Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Friend or Foe?

How many "friends" on social media are truly your friends? Before social media, a friend was someone you shared common interests with and someone you connected with on a deeper level. Today, however, friends have conjured up a completely different meaning. Social media friends are at best strangers, and for some reason people think they need these strangers to fulfill some sort of void in their life. When I was younger I truly believed that the more "friends", or strangers, we have on social media, the more popular you will be. As a young middle-schooler it seemed that being cool and having 1000 friends on Facebook was all that mattered in life. 

Today, when I look at my social media accounts I do not see friends, I see people posing as friends to get likes on their pictures. I do not have that same needy feeling of accepting every person who enters my friend request box, and honestly it is refreshing. Lately I have been deleting people I do not know on a personal level and only keeping the friends around that I would actually want in my life. Don't fall into the habit of friending everyone you see, and remember to always follow your real friends in life because they are the people that matter. 

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