Sunday, April 28, 2019

Who Am I?

Online I can be anybody I want. I can be Bold, sweet, or even a little FuNkY. The point is, you can create your own identity online and how you want to be perceived through the eyes of others by filtering what you post. It is much easier to control our self-presentation and identity online than out in public at say the mall. The question of whether this is right or wrong is up for a little debate. People should always be their true selves in any scenario, whether they are out with friends at a bar or engaged in an online chat room, their morals and values should be the same. It is much easier, however, to act professional and post important accomplishments online to create that facade opposed to actually working hard at your job though. People will only show what they want to online and if that means creating a completing different identity I guess there is no stopping them. People need to just remember to stay true to themselves.

1 comment:

  1. I completely agree with you! This is something I have been thinking about a lot lately when scrolling through social media. I think people should act the same way online as they do in real life. I feel that many people post things or say things online that they would never do in real life. I don’t necessarily think this is wrong to do, as it probably isn’t harming anyone. However, it does make me wonder why someone would want to do it. I think it's fine for someone to not post about every aspect of their life and leave some things out, but the things they do post should be true to who they are. Personally, this is what I tend to do. I only post about happy or light-hearted things and leave out the more serious or bad things. But the things I post are always true to who I really am.

    Also, I really like your typography in the first sentence, it's so fun!
