Monday, May 13, 2019

The Arab Spring

Wow. It is almost hard to articulate words that represent how the Arab Spring video we watched in class made me feel. That woman was so inspiring and brave to be able to express her true emotions on a universal platform where she felt safe enough to do so. The internet can be a beautiful place, when used correctly. This woman was able to share her story, and relay her messages to people because it was the only way she felt free to express herself. Egyptians in general used blogs and vlogs to talk about corruption, police brutality, and the sexual harassment of protesters. This video inspired me to use more platforms, like blogs, to express myself freely. I also applaud the woman's effort in breaking gender roles and admitting that she would like to go out and fight, while challenging the mens' manhood. I hope her video doesn't get forgotten and young women who struggle through the same governmental issues that she did, use platforms to speak up!   

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