Diversity is key in any scenario, but especially online and in virtual communities. Diversity of the mind allows people to share different perspectives and increase their knowledge on a certain topic. The dangers of the filter bubble is that it increases group polarization, and when too many like-minded people are in one room, chaos is usually there to follow. You need different opinions to balance the extreme voices in each group out because too many extreme voices will silence the voices that have any different opinions towards the group. This will ultimately cause more extremists and no neutral voices to balance the group out. Think about it, if pro-life activists come together and talk about how much they hate planned parenthood, they can get so riled up where they decide to bomb a facility. This is very scary and virtual communities need to allow more diversity to avoid these extremist views.
I have to agree with you entirely. The groups i know of that work best are the ones that have like-minded members who still have different opinions. If too many people agree on the same issue, it makes it impossible to hear differing opinions.